What It Means To Be a Member of Chalice

Deciding to join a church community is an important, but not irreversible decision. It’s a commitment to active participation in a beautiful, beloved community and a willingness to share who you are. If you come from a church-attending background, the structure and responsibilities may already be familiar to you. But, if you’re like many Unitarian Universalists and church isn’t in your history, it might be confusing.

In either case, you are making a decision to grow your spiritual life, be a force for positive change in the world, share your unique perspective with a caring community, and perhaps provide your children with the moral and ethical tools to navigate our increasingly complex world. We promise to guide you, as a member of Chalice, and as we sing each Sunday, to walk with you on this incredible journey of life.

Most people who choose to become members have explored what Chalice has to offer. They have attended worship, met Reverend Nica in a “Meet the Minister” session or personal meeting, or have attended a “Starting Point” class and have begun making connections in the community. You will be interested in calling this fellowship your home, your community to journey through life with.

Here Is What We Give You as a Member:

  • Inclusion and belonging in a diverse community of others committed to our Unitarian Universalist principles of faith, reason, and action.
  • Eligibility to make decisions and vote at our annual congregational meeting and other meetings as outlined in the Church bylaws.
  • Free registration for you and your children in our Adult and Youth Religious Education program and classes. And discounted registration to Our Whole Lives (OWL) program for all ages.
  • Free subscription to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s quarterly journal, UU World.
  • New Member Packet with additional information and an invitation to become more involved with Chalice.
  • Discounted membership rates for your special events and space rentals of church facilities.
  • Participation in volunteer opportunities, including leadership as chairs, trustees, or officers.
  • Opportunity to mark life’s transitions through child dedications, weddings, and memorial services at no cost to members.
  • Receive pastoral care from Rev. Nica or our Care Team, as well as connections and support through Neighborhood Networks.
  • Receive special member only communications about transitions in member’s lives and important church business.
  • Full access to our Chalice library with a rich collection of books and videos about spiritual, historical and personal growth.
  • Full access to our Breeze database making it easy to connect with members with password-protected access.
  • An opportunity to live into being your best, highest self, by sharing and living into our Chalice covenant.

And Here is What We Ask of You as a Member:

  • Your presence. Our community is not the same without you. By bringing your unique self into our midst you enrich our community.
  • Your participation. Join in and help Chalice grow and serve the wider community. We are an active congregation whose services and programs are made possible by the time and talents of our members. Contact Rev. Nica, a committee member or a board member, to share your skills and offer your volunteer service.
  • Your pledge. Chalice relies on members’ financial support to continue the programs and services that nourish this beloved community and the wider community.
  • Your practice. Participate in Chalice Circles, classes, music opportunities and small groups to share your search for truth. Develop a meditation practice, attend special workshops, join a Social Justice Ministry group, find a practice to ensure that you are continuing your journey of self-discovery and your search for truth and meaning. Practice living into the best version of yourself by honoring our Chalice covenant and UU principles.
We hope that your relationship with Chalice will be spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally rewarding. We are pleased you have chosen to worship with us, and we invite you to participate in our programs and activities, whether or not you are ready for full membership. When you are ready, membership will be a natural step, a way to express your joy in – and responsibility for – this faith community.