In order to assist us in fulfilling our mission to nurture spiritually courageous people who transform the world through justice and compassion, we the members and friends of the Chalice Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Conejo Valley enter into this Covenant of Good Relations.

We, the members and friends of this congregation, value:

  • Opening our hearts and minds to those who have traveled journeys unlike ours and whose strengths and challenges may be different from ours.
  • A welcoming space for all to speak their truth respectfully.
  • The importance of deep listening and respect for each other.
  • Relationships with others of all ages, and the gifts that each generation brings to our community.
  • The democratic process, through which we give voice to concerns and offer our time and energy to arrive at solutions.

In the wider community, we honor our responsibilities for upholding spiritual ideals, engaging in civil discourse with those of other religious traditions, and promoting our UU values.

In my interactions with others in this congregation, I will:

  • Speak honestly and directly to the person(s) with whom I have a concern, using thoughtful, compassionate language.
  • Forgive the errors and shortcomings of myself and others as we contribute to our shared ministry and express gratitude for the many gifts we bring.
  • Assume good intentions in those with whom I disagree and examine my own part in the disagreement.
  • Listen deeply to, and actively seek resolution with those concerned before engaging the Conflict Resolution Committee, Committee on Ministry, the Council or the Board of Trustees in conflict mediation.
  • Expect divergent beliefs and opinions and persist in respectful dialogue–especially in times of uncertainty–remaining open to new understandings while doing my part to sustain this Covenant.
  • Respect the minister and staff’s professionalism, time and privacy.
  • Assume responsibility for understanding the church structure and governance model.
  • Assume responsibility for keeping informed of church business. Through this Covenant of Good Relations, it is our intention to foster healthy and productive relations within our church community as we work together to achieve our mission.