We support our mission and congregation in four ways:
We support it with our presence.
We support it with our volunteerism.
We support it with our spirits by bringing loving hearts and open minds to the community.
And, we support it with our money, our financial stewardship.
Annual Pledge – We are Stewards of Our Congregation
Unlike many other religious traditions, Unitarian Universalist congregations do not receive any funding from the national association. Congregations, their buildings, their staff, and their programs are entirely funded by their members and friends. So every year we ask congregants and friends to make an annual pledge to the congregation. From the pledges we create our budget. Our congregation supports our spiritual community – paying salaries for the minister and staff, maintaining our building, funding religious education, spiritual, justice and fellowship programs… all the things and more you can imagine to have staff, a building, and a well functioning community. By pledging annually, we are stewards of our congregation. When you pledge, we can set up a realistic operating budget. We send written acknowledgement of contributions (quarterly statements) to all those who pledge. Currently our annual pledge campaign takes place in September and funds the current fiscal year.
Anyone can make an annual pledge, member or not. Those who pledge, but have not yet chosen to become members, are known as friends of the congregation.
Planned Giving
There is a special kind of giving that involves gifts from estates and inheritances. We have been developing policies to encourage such generosity. If you put Chalice in your estate plan, you help ensure the future sustainability of the congregation. And right now, the UUA is offering generous incentives to congregations when their members do so. This is a great way to demonstrate our commitment to Chalice’s mission and long-term future.
To learn more about annual giving and planned giving, if you are a member, please log into the Member’s website here.