Our Annual Pledge Campaign: Transforming Our World Together

Our annual stewardship campaign focuses on the many ways we, as a community, can transform our world together and through our generosity live more deeply into our mission of “transforming the world through justice and compassion.”


The Greater Good of the World

Our values and principles call for us to be faithful servants to the Conejo Valley area and the wider world.

  • Support for Chalice Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and the Unitarian Universalist Association
  • Grow our social justice funding by fully supporting Operations with pledges, so that our weekly offerings can go outside the congregation

We welcome every stranger, sharing the love we have received from each other.


The Common Good of the Chalice UU Fellowship

We celebrate our shared commitment to our fellowship.

Our worship, music, religious education, pastoral care, community events, and ongoing maintenance of our spiritual home will always need our full support.



Stewardship Pledge Financials [PDF]
(requires login to members’ site)