Order of Service
- Order of Service 2.2.25
Onsite & Online ~ 10 am
Reverend Nica Eaton
Boundless Welcome: The Heart of Our Inclusive Faith
Unitarian Universalism celebrates diversity as a cornerstone of our shared faith. Today, we will explore how our inclusive principles and values invite us to honor every person’s worth and dignity, build bridges across difference, and create a spiritual home for all. Together, we’ll reflect on the transformative power of truly embracing one another and welcoming all.
Processional Hymn – “You are Welcome Here” – Karen Drucker
Welcome – Reverend Nica Eaton
Introduction – Tim Snowber
Call to Worship – Reverend Nica Eaton
Chalice Lighting – Tim Snowber
Opening Hymn – #188 “Come Come Whoever You Are”
New Member Welcome Ceremony – Reverend Nica Eaton & Annie Barker
Hymn – #402 “From You I Receive”
Manna Collection – Tim Snowber
Announcements – Tim Snowber
Singing the Children Out – Anthony Concepcion & Reverend Nica Eaton
Offering Words – Tim Snowber
Offering Music – “One voice” written by the Wailin Jennys performed by Sharon Beck, Grenda, Xander on violin, Anthony & Trey
Receiving the Offering – Reverend Nica Eaton
Joys and Sorrows – If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week (before 8 am on Sunday) to jns@chaliceuu.org
Time of Meditation – Reverend Nica Eaton
Meditation Song – #1058 “Be Ours a Religion”
Sermon – “Boundless Welcome: The Heart of Our Inclusive Faith” – Reverend Nica Eaton
Closing Hymn – # 1017 “Building a New Way”
Benediction – Reverend Nica Eaton
Extinguishing the Chalice – Tim Snowber
Closing Words – Reverend Nica Eaton
Postlude – Anthony Concepcion
Reminder! Members Please plan to stay after service this week for the mid-year Congregational Meeting
A more detailed agenda can be found at: 2024-25 Fellowship Meetings
Welcome Our New Members!
Suzanne Freiberg:
- I am my daughter’s mama bear and my current state is one of “becoming,” while on the road to Shambala
- Business Development and Training Consultant @ Suzanne Inq.
- “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” ― John O’Donohue
Jon Sachs:
Jon has a wonderful career as a high school music teacher in nearby Camarillo. He recently celebrated his 28th wedding anniversary to his wife, Amy and has three children in college. In addition to playing the guitar and French horn, he enjoys running, hiking, and going to the gym. When he’s not doing that, he’s probably lost down a rabbit hole online studying religion, philosophy, politics, or cat videos.
Onsite & Online ~ 10 am
Reverend Nica Eaton
Boundless Welcome: The Heart of Our Inclusive Faith
Unitarian Universalism celebrates diversity as a cornerstone of our shared faith. Today, we will explore how our inclusive principles and values invite us to honor every person’s worth and dignity, build bridges across difference, and create a spiritual home for all. Together, we’ll reflect on the transformative power of truly embracing one another and welcoming all.
Processional Hymn – “You are Welcome Here” – Karen Drucker
Welcome – Reverend Nica Eaton
Introduction – Tim Snowber
Call to Worship – Reverend Nica Eaton
Chalice Lighting – Tim Snowber
Opening Hymn – #188 “Come Come Whoever You Are”
New Member Welcome Ceremony – Reverend Nica Eaton & Annie Barker
Hymn – #402 “From You I Receive”
Manna Collection – Tim Snowber
Announcements – Tim Snowber
Singing the Children Out – Anthony Concepcion & Reverend Nica Eaton
Offering Words – Tim Snowber
Offering Music – “One voice” written by the Wailin Jennys performed by Sharon Beck, Grenda, Xander on violin, Anthony & Trey
Receiving the Offering – Reverend Nica Eaton
Joys and Sorrows – If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week (before 8 am on Sunday) to jns@chaliceuu.org
Time of Meditation – Reverend Nica Eaton
Meditation Song – #1058 “Be Ours a Religion”
Sermon – “Boundless Welcome: The Heart of Our Inclusive Faith” – Reverend Nica Eaton
Closing Hymn – # 1017 “Building a New Way”
Benediction – Reverend Nica Eaton
Extinguishing the Chalice – Tim Snowber
Closing Words – Reverend Nica Eaton
Postlude – Anthony Concepcion
Reminder! Members Please plan to stay after service this week for the mid-year Congregational Meeting
A more detailed agenda can be found at: 2024-25 Fellowship Meetings
Welcome Our New Members!
Suzanne Freiberg:
- I am my daughter’s mama bear and my current state is one of “becoming,” while on the road to Shambala
- Business Development and Training Consultant @ Suzanne Inq.
- “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” ― John O’Donohue
Jon Sachs:
Jon has a wonderful career as a high school music teacher in nearby Camarillo. He recently celebrated his 28th wedding anniversary to his wife, Amy and has three children in college. In addition to playing the guitar and French horn, he enjoys running, hiking, and going to the gym. When he’s not doing that, he’s probably lost down a rabbit hole online studying religion, philosophy, politics, or cat videos.