Podcast: Chalice Sermons

Storytelling with Sound

Special guest Cory Hills uses the power of percussion to deliver fun and engaging stories. While his typical audience is kids, there is much all of us can learn from his adaptations of old folktales, classics, and original stories. Be transported with some of the most unique instruments by this Grammy award-winning, two album-producing artist. Young ones won’t want to miss this interactive treat!

Writing a Better Story

Narrative identity is the story we create about ourselves – our own personal myth, so to speak. Our stories can also shape our future, but they’re not written in stone. Join us as we begin exploring the theme of story and the possibilities that come with changing our storyline or writing a better story.

How to Be Happy All The Time

Did you smile when you read the title of today’s service? That’s a good start. Is the purpose of life to be happy all the time, anyway? Is this too many questions? How should I know? I’m just a student of life, like you. But after seven decades of watching the wheel turn I’m starting to see some patterns. And I know Maya Angelou spoke the truth when she said, “Nobody but nobody can make it out here alone.” Let’s explore together, shall we?

The Gift of Presence through Stories of Resilience

Our survival instincts (and the media) encourage us to focus on the worst of what is going on in the world. There is evidence that we are remarkably resilient beings with the capacity to evolve, heal and renew. Presence is the gift of knowing we are not alone as we journey and the holiday season is filled with human rituals of connection and hope that can help us guide our way. Join Grenda as she shares stories of resilience, hope and presence.

A Celebration of the Holidays

December is filled with holidays from around the world–and around our congregation! Please join us for this intergenerational celebration with music and stories as we honor the many beautiful and sacred traditions within and beyond our Chalice community.

Being a Goldfish – The Happiest Animal on Earth

Ted Lasso is more than a comical hero in a warmhearted series. His wise words about being a goldfish teaches us about the importance of living in the moment. The gift of presence is hard to appreciate, especially as our lives become more and more inundated with distractions, worry, and regret. Let us come together and explore why it’s so hard to be present, and what we can do about it.

Thanksgiving – The Whole Story

Join us for a Thanksgiving service that goes beyond the traditional story. We’ll delve into the rich history of this land, honoring Indigenous Peoples who have inhabited it for over 10,000 years. We’ll explore land acknowledgements and share in our traditional communal bread ceremony. We will gather after services for our annual ‘breaking bread’ event. Let’s set the tone for a meaningful Thanksgiving week with gratitude and respect.

Repairing Our Hearts

When our hearts have been broken by what’s going on in our country, our world, and our own lives, we gather together today to mend them in community. Join us to explore repairing our hearts, so they are strong and resilient for the days ahead.

For Times Such as These

On this Sunday after our country’s election we gather as a Beloved Community, however we are feeling. No matter what, we are more resilient, hopeful, and courageous together. Come one, come all. You are welcome here. Join us to feel the support of friends and community.