Chalice and Breeze
Chalice and Breeze
Breeze is the church management software that members can use access to the congregation’s directory. You can use Breeze from an app on your smartphone or tablet, or on your computer in a browser. Looking up and contacting members is easier than ever. You can access the Chalice private calendar via “Events” including links to current zoom events at your fingertip.
Members can also use Breeze to view the history of their giving, to view the status of their pledge and to make donations to Chalice.
- Click on “Members” -> “Breeze Access” in the menu above.
- Or go to:
If necessary:
- Click on “Forgot Password?” and enter your email.
- You will receive an email with the subject “Username/Password Recovery”.
- In the email, note your username and click on “Reset Your Password” and create a password.
- Click “Log In”
Your Breeze Account
All members with emails on file have a Breeze account with which you can view the members, staff and new friends of Chalice. You are also able to view and edit your own profile.
Current members: When your Breeze account was created, you should have received an email from with the subject line: “You have Access! (your user name)”. Your username, which was included in the email, is your First Name followed by your Last Name, with no spaces, all lower case. Follow the instructions in that email to login. Please change your password after your initial login.
You can also access Breeze with a mobile app for smartphones. See the details for downloading to your phone at or simply go to the App Store appropriate for your phone:
- Apple Store for iPhone
- Google play for Android
The app may be called ‘Breeze ChMS’ and should have a logo similar to the following:
When asked for the Church ID, enter ‘chaliceuu’.
Misplaced Email or Forgotten Passwords
If you have misplaced the original email and/or have forgotten your password, you can browse to or open the Breeze app on your phone and select “Forgot Password”. Enter the email address that is on file for you at Chalice.
Using Breeze
Your profile: After logging into Breeze, you have the option to select “My Profile” where you will be able to edit your profile (after 9/1/2020). You can also upload your own photo by simply double clicking on the image in your profile.
More information: A way to get familiar with Breeze is to watch some of the videos at
Or just play with it! We are really excited about this new membership software and hope you will enjoy using it.
If you encounter problems using Breeze at Chalice, please send email to
This directory is for the exclusive use of Chalice Members and Staff and is not to be used for any commercial, personal promotional purposes or any whole church announcements without prior approval from the Board or Reverand Nica.
BREEZE keeps members connected!
We invite you to do 3 things to update your profile page:
1. Upload a photo (family or a single photo) If family, please provide the same photo for all members.
2. Add your birthday. If shy about revealing your year, put 2020, we’d love to celebrate your day!
3. Provide with a family or neighbor’s phone number in case of emergency, or loss of contact. This number will only be visible and usable by leaders and only when absolutely necessary. Chavonne will enter it into your Breeze account for you. It’s Easy-Breezy.
Contact for assistance.