Order of Service 4.21.24


In Person and Online ~  10 am 

Reverend Nica Eaton & Sam Dickerson

Kinship With Our Earth: An Intergenerational Service

“No one will protect what they don’t care about, and no one will care about what they have never experienced” – David Attenborough. We know of the many ways to care for the earth, but what is that inspires us to do so? In this Intergenerational service, we will explore the many beautiful facets of this planet through song, stories, …and bubbles. Bring your wonder and affection for our blue boat home as we reconnect with our dear Mother Earth and celebrate Earth Day.

Month Theme – Interdependence

Welcome – Reverend Nica Eaton

Introduction – Samantha Dickerson

Call to Worship – Reverend Nica Eaton

Chalice Lighting – The Niebergall Family

Opening Hymn – #1068 “Rising Green”

Time for All Ages on the Element of Fire – “The Green Grass Grew All Around” (sing along), led by Samantha Dickerson

Manna Collection – Samantha Dickerson

Announcements – Reverend Nica Eaton

Offering Words – The Learned-Smith Family

Music – Offering Music “Down to Earth” by Peter Gabriel [Video] https://youtu.be/5lgpqIj492g?si=hCLzQmoZ3AIgf0rc

Joys and Sorrows – You may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chat box during the service if you are online. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week to 


Time of Meditation on Air – Bubble Meditation led by Samantha Dickerson

Meditation Hymn – “Earth My Body” – 2 part round

Water Ceremony – Reverend Nica Eaton 

Music – Video of “The River by Coco Love Alcorn” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3Aa05YGx9s

Reflection & Earth Chalice Ceremony – Samantha Dickerson

Closing Hymn #1064 “Blue Boat Home”

Benediction – Reverend Nica Eaton

Extinguishing the Chalice 

Closing Words – Reverend Nica Eaton

Postlude – Anthony Concepcion

Please bring a small amount of water to worship this Sunday in a vial or jar from a place that holds personal significance to you. It could be water from a local river, a lake, the ocean, a rainstorm, or even your own tap at home. Whatever water you are grateful for. We will be combining our waters during the service. If you’re participating via zoom, please have a glass of water with you during worship.

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