Speaker: Rev. Nica Eaton

Saying Yes to Life! (in spite of everything)


Life can feel incredibly tough at times, especially these days. How do we continue to find the good in life, when there is so much suffering? Today we explore the coping mechanisms an extraordinary man, Viktor Frankl, found. Despite staring death in the face in … read more.

Embracing Possibility ~ Ingathering

Today we celebrate our annual Ingathering. Join us for a zoom/online service at 10, followed by an in-person Ingathering ritual on Chalice’s grounds at 11:30. We will plant seeds for our future, burn our old mortgage, say farewell to Jason Hall and family, and collect quarters and laundry pods for fieldworkers. Please also bring a piece of wood, no larger than your hand for a congregational art work. Rev Nica will preside over our traditional water ceremony blessing and we will be returning the items you offered our Sanctuary last year, that made our space sacred in our absence.

Animal Blessing

Today we celebrate and bless the animals in our lives. We invite you to show us your beloved pets in this service, so we may honor them here together. Please send us a photo of any beloved animals who have passed, whom you wish to memorialize. Send pictures to admin@chaliceuu.org. We look forward to celebrating the difference animals make in our lives.

Riding the Waves of Change

Most humans are notoriously resistant to change. But as we prepare to reopen and move towards our ‘new normal’ we will encounter change both within and beyond our congregation. In this service, Reverend Nica’s last before her summer break, we explore ways to ride, rather than resist, the waves of change. How might we embrace change as we envision and co-create our new normal.

Honoring Juneteenth

We were going to advocate for Juneteenth to become a national holiday this Sunday. But since this became law on June 17th, we now get to celebrate Juneteenth and learn more about its history and significance. How might we, as Unitarian Universalists, live our values by deepening our commitment to racial justice and equity. Reverend Nica and Ayanna Gaines will share their thoughts. Join us also to honor our fathers this Father’s Day.

Emerging from Covid – Lessons for Our New Reality

As things start opening up and we return to life in a more normal way, we explore the importance of grieving what we’ve lost and assessing what we’ve learned. In this way we can make room for our new reality. In this service we get to reflect on our lessons of the last year and how we might build a new future informed by our learning.

The Mysteries of Memory

French author Marcel Proust said “Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.” Since our memories hold the stories of our lives, mysteries surround what we do and do not remember. Join us as we look at the precious gift of memory, our fears about losing it, and our hopes for holding onto it as long as possible.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The stories we tell ourselves shape our lives. Whether we repeatedly relive the stories from our past in our minds or actions, or we allow them to determine our future, these stories shape who we are in the present. They determine what we think of ourselves, how we show up, and who we can become. Join us to explore the cultural, personal and ancestral stories we tell ourselves, so we might become more aware of their impact in our lives.

Sacred Ground – Honoring Earth Day

As part of the interfaith climate action week and to celebrate Earth Day, we focus on our sacred ground, the soil that nourishes us, the earth that holds us and the food that comes from our earth. Join us as we learn what we can do as individuals and as a congregation to support the flourishing of our beautiful planet, and protect our future.