Speaker: Reverend Anne Hines

Songs of Ruth

A sermon in three parts, it’s grounded in the story of Ruth in the Jewish Scripture, and what it has to say about love, loyalty, and our commitment to justice.

Bending Toward Hope

In this season of Spring, how do we remain hopeful in the face of loss or despair in our personal lives? How do we resist sinking into cynicism at the state of our nation and the world? Please remember to bring a flower to share in our Flower Communion.


Sunday Service at 10 AM
in person (3327 Old Conejo Road, Newbury Park)
or via Zoom
What does it take to touch — or be touched — by the Holy? How far do we need to travel to be overtaken with awe?
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 209 555 249
Phone: 16699009128
Password: 2020

The Most Important Prayer

If you had only one prayer to raise to God or the Universe, what would/should that be? The 13th century Catholic mystic, Meister Eckhart, had an answer, and it ties in to generosity.

God of Second Chances

Sunday Service at 10 AM
in person (3327 Old Conejo Road, Newbury Park)
or via Zoom
We are in the midst of Lent — one of the most holy times in the Christian calendar. A period of six weeks, Lent calls us to reflect on our lives and our relationships. And it reminds us that God or Life always allows us the opportunity to forgive ourselves and others, and to begin again in Love.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 209 555 249
Phone: 16699009128
Password: 2020

Love Should Grow Up Like an Iris


In honor of Valentine’s Day, we will reflect on love and relationships – the beauty, the joy, the challenges, and what it calls forth in us.



Someone called the one-word title for today’s sermon “the greatest affirmation of all;” could that be true?