Article II Study Commission Presentations

Dear Friends,

We have received word from so many of you who are eager to share the Article II Study Commission’s presentations with your congregations. We are pleased to say that we are extending the deadline for feedback to give folks a chance to view the presentations and share their ideas with us!

Our feedback hub ( will remain open through July 18.

You can view all the public videos from GA online, including the Article II presentations, as follows:

Introduction to the work, Purpose, and Freedom of Belief in General Session II (beginning with Dan McKanan’s theological framing at 20:35 and our presentation at 32:30)

Values and Covenant in General Session III (our presentation begins at 24:15, followed by a break, and then Dr. Elías Ortega’s theological framing, which begins at 1:29:20)

Inclusion and Inspirations in General Session IV (our presentation begins at 33:00, followed by a break, and then Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt’s theological framing at 1:20:34)

We will close our feedback hub for these presentations on July 18, but that doesn’t mean your chance to offer input is done. We will continue to have opportunities to contribute to the process of reimagining Article II throughout the early fall. Watch for more information on how you can be involved!

You can learn more at our website:
Follow us on Facebook: Article II Study Commission or Instagram: RevUU_A2
Send us your thoughts via our feedback hub at


Becky Brooks
Co-Chair, Article II Study Commission

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