Intergenerational Activities
Our children and youth learn about our faith through community interactions and life experiences. The following Extras demonstrate our commitment to creating a culture of empowerment and love of our children and youth. For more information, please contact Samantha Dickerson, Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration (DLRE).
Intergenerational Worship
Chalice believes that every age and stage of life is equally valued and equally supported in our worship. Intergenerational worship allows our children and youth to learn about the adult worship experience and its traditions. Children and youth often participate by lighting the chalice at the beginning of an adult worship service. Other opportunities include intergenerational choir, presenting a reading, or designing an entire worship service.
Pancake Breakfast
RE Participants prepares a Pancake Breakfast on the second Sunday every other month. Proceeds are split between the RE Scholarship fund and a local organization of the children’s choosing.
Families Care
One Sunday, every other month, RE participants and congregants work together to create care kits for unhoused people in our area.
Intergenerational Choirs
Intergenerational choirs perform periodically throughout the church year. Rehearsals are arranged and led by our music director. Children gain musical experience, build skills of working with others, and deepen their understanding of the worship experience.
On the second Friday of the month we offer a social space for teens to be in community and enjoy various fun activities. They are welcome to bring friends from outside their UU community as well.
We also offer a Young Adult (ages 18-25) hangout on the fourth Friday of every month.
What is Crossing Paths? Crossing Paths is an interfaith exploration program brought to us from Soul Matters. The program includes an emphasis on theological grounding, a distinct take on religious pluralism (“Many Mountains, Many Paths”) and an abundance of experiential learning while also maintaining a focus on UU identity formation. Each month a new religion is explored, including Buddhism, Catholicism, Quakerism, Paganism, and more.
Each Sunday we will share in discussions, activities, videos, music, and games while we practice our Unitarian Universalist Principles of “acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations” and “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”
You need only to show up with open minds and hearts and willingness to play.. Attendance throughout the month is strongly recommended.
We continue to Follow Chalice Mask Protocols (N95, KN95, or KF94)

Sometimes, though, we need to mix it up, think of something new. Try a simple random act that you might not have thought of. Here is an excellent way to put a little more thought into what we do. Thanks to, we have the “31 Day Kindness Challenge”! Some of these challenges you might already do on a regular basis. That’s great! So think outside the box. Are you already a big tipper? Leave a ‘thank you’ note with your tip. Do you already donate toys to a charity? Offer to volunteer with a collection. The point is to put some extra focus on spreading the good. There is truth to the idea that paying it forward is contagious. Set the example. You have been challenged!
There are 3 ways to nab your challenge:
- Download the calendar here
- Grab a printed copy in Fellowship Hall, or print the one below.
- Watch this how-to video on how to create your own calendar
My hope is that, by participating in this challenge, your spirit is lifted and you are moved to inspire others to act in kind. Have fun!